
Bloque térmico

Productos Características

El Bloque Térmico se utiliza en el experimento para la reacción y el análisis de fermentos, la extracción de disolventes, la incubación de células, el tratamiento térmico en tubo de ensayo, así como utilizado como concentrador, desintegrador, baño de reacción mediante calentamiento rápido y uniforme.

Posibilidad de utilizar dos bloques al mismo tiempo (NB305TB)

La tapa transparente con bisagras proporciona estabilidad térmica y permite ver fácilmente las muestras.

Los modelos tienen 1-2 bloques intercambiables para adaptarse a una variedad de tubos (NB305TB).

Control digital por microprocesador de la temperatura de -4°C a 80°C (NB305CB).


NB-305CB NB-305TB
Temp. Gama -4°C a 80°C Ambiente +5°C a 120°C
Temp. Precisión ±0,5°C a 37°C ±0,5°C a 37°C
Temp. Método Peltier Calentador
Temp. Control Microprocesador Digital PID Microprocesador Digital PID
Panel de control Botón táctil Botón táctil
Mostrar Pantalla LED Pantalla LED
Bloque Material Aluminio macizo anodizado Aluminio macizo anodizado
Capacidad del bloque BL x 1ea BL x 2ea
Dimensiones 250(W)x250(D)x175(H)mm 250(W)x250(D)x175(H)mm
Potencia 110/220 V, 50/60 Hz, 100 W 110/220 V, 50/60 Hz, 125 W
Peso 5 kg 5 kg

Accesorios para NB305CB, NB305TB

305TB-BL05 Bloque Grande : 110x90x45H(mm) microtubo de 0,5ml x 42 agujeros, dia 8mm
305TB-BL15 Bloque Grande : 110x90x45H(mm) Microtubo de 1,5ml x 30 agujeros, dia 11mm
305TB-BL100 Bloque Grande : 110x90x45H(mm) Tubo de 10ml x 20 agujeros, dia 13mm
305TB-BL150 Bloque Grande : 110x90x45H(mm) Tubo de 15ml x 20 agujeros, dia 16mm
305TB-BL500 Bloque Grande : 110x90x45H(mm) Tubo de 50ml x 8 agujeros, dia 29mm


Frequently asked questions

Gain insights on the uses, benefits, and guidelines for Cellgenic Lyophilized Exosomes Orthopedics

Cellgenic’s cellular products aim to provide various biological effects, including anti-inflammatory, regenerative, and immunomodulatory properties. These benefits are intended to assist in the recovery and improvement of various medical conditions.

Cellgenic’s products are designed for medical professionals only, including licensed physicians and healthcare institutions. These products must be administered by individuals who are trained and authorized to use cellular therapies.

Packages vary depending on the specific product but generally include the cellular product in a suitable formulation, along with necessary diluents or other components required for the application of the therapy.

These products work by promoting cell-to-cell communication, enhancing cellular functions, and providing necessary growth factors, cytokines, and other bioactive molecules to support tissue repair and regeneration.

Yes, interested buyers must have their account verified and activated by Cellgenic. This process includes confirming the credentials of the healthcare professionals and ensuring compliance with applicable regulations before purchases can be made.

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