

¡Consigue una preparación de muestras precisa y eficaz con las Centrifugadoras Cellgenic! Nuestra gama de Centrifugadoras está diseñada para satisfacer las exigentes necesidades de los laboratorios modernos, proporcionando un rendimiento fiable y unos resultados excepcionales. En Cellgenic, ofrecemos una variedad de centrifugadoras que se adaptan a distintas aplicaciones, desde el diagnóstico clínico hasta la investigación y los procesos industriales.

Las centrifugadoras de Cellgenic están equipadas con funciones avanzadas, como control de velocidad variable, ajustes programables y construcción robusta, que garantizan un rendimiento óptimo para tus necesidades específicas. Tanto si necesitas separar componentes sanguíneos, purificar células o preparar muestras para análisis, nuestras centrifugadoras ofrecen resultados precisos y uniformes. Cada Centrifugadora está diseñada para facilitar su uso, con controles intuitivos y funciones de seguridad que mejoran la experiencia del usuario.

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The next generation of
Regenerative medicine.

Advancing regenerative medicine



Isolating the beneficial signals given out by stem cells and using them, rather than stem cells themselves, is truly the next generation of Regenerative medicine.

Exosomes: master communicators in cellular rocesses


Exosomes are cell-derived nanoparticles that play a pivotal role in cell-to-cell communication and are involved in a wide range of physiological processes.

The crucial role of exosomes in intercellular messaging and gene regulation

They have an important role in the transfer of proteins, mRNA, miRNA and other bioactive molecules between cells and regulate gene expression in recipient cells, thus influencing various molecular path-ways.

The next generation of
Regenerative medicine.

Exosomes: master communicators in cellular rocesses


Exosomes are cell-derived nanoparticles that play a pivotal role in cell-to-cell communication and are involved in a wide range of physiological processes.

The crucial role of exosomes in intercellular messaging and gene regulation

They have an important role in the transfer of proteins, mRNA, miRNA and other bioactive molecules between cells and regulate gene expression in recipient cells, thus influencing various molecular path-ways.

Advancing regenerative medicine



Isolating the beneficial signals given out by stem cells and using them, rather than stem cells themselves, is truly the next generation of Regenerative medicine.

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