
Cellgenic Resources

Videos and Case Studies

Cellgenic specializes in advanced regenerative therapy products, with a strong emphasis on exosome-based treatments. Exosomes are small extracellular vesicles that play a crucial role in cell-to-cell communication, facilitating tissue repair and regeneration. Our high-quality exosome products are designed to enhance the body’s natural healing processes, offering innovative solutions for various medical applications. Explore our resources to learn more about the science behind exosome therapy and how it can benefit your health and well-being.

Case Studies

You can download the following studies in PDF format.

Cardiac cell-derived exosomes- changing face of regenerative biology

From European Heart Journal

CD24 is a marker of exosomes secreted into urine and amniotic fluid.

From Kidney International

The Development of Stem Cell-derived Exosomes.

Journal of Circulating Biomarkers

Engineered Exosomes with Ischemic Myocardium.

American Heart Association

Exosomal miR-10a preserves ovarian follicles after chemotherapy.

Scientific Reports

Exosomal proteins as prognostic biomarkers in non-small cell lung cancer.

Federation of European Biochemical Societies

Exosome derived from epigallocatechin gallate treated breast cancer cells suppresses tumor growth by inhibiting tumor-associated macrophage infiltration and M2 polarization

Bio Med Central Cancer

Exosome-Based Therapeutics

Sec. Atherosclerosis and Vascular Medicine

Exosomes & stroke

Department of Neurology, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, USA

Exosomes after stroke

Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism

Exosomes as Potential Alternatives to Stem Cell Therapy in Mediating Cardiac Regeneration

Stanford Cardiovascular Institute, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA

Exosomes derived from alcohol treated hepatocytes horizontally transfer liver specific miRNA-122 and sensitize monocytes to LPS

Fatemeh Momen-Heravi, Shashi Bala, Karen Kodys & Gyongyi Szabo

Exosomes derived from human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells alleviate atopic dermatitis

Stem cell research & therapy

Exosomes derived from human embryonic mesenchymal stem cells promote osteochondral regeneration

Osteoarthritis Research Society International

Exosomes in Cancer Liquid Biopsy A Focus on Breast Cancer

Molecuar Therapy Nucleic Acids

Exosomes Mediate Pro Angiogenic Activity

National Institute of Health

Exosomes – A Novel Strategy for Treatment and Prevention of Diseases

Frontiers in Pharmacology

Exosomes- mediators of bone diseases, protection, and therapeutics potential

Department of Physiology, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, KY 40202, USA

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Global Stem Cells Group Inc Datran Center 9100 S Dadeland Boulevard, Suite 1500. Miami Fl. 33156 United States


+1 305 560 5337



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